College Campus Fellowship
The GPI US Fellowship is a sought-after one-year fellowship program that is offered on a highly selective basis. Participants are leaders on campus who spread the GPI US mission to fellow students, professors, and the local community. As culmination of the fellowship, fellows receive guaranteed acceptance to the Summer Global Studies Program in Japan (GSP; dependent on global health conditions).
Recruitment for the 2025-2026 cohort will begin in Summer 2025.
Represent GPI US on your campus
The GPI US College Campus Fellowship is a 1-year fellowship program beginning in the fall and concluding in the spring (in sync with the US academic year). Participants are current students who act as leaders on campus and spread GPI US' mission to fellow students, professors, and the local community. Throughout seasonal projects, fellows will gain professional experience working with a remote team in the international business industry. As a culmination of the fellowship, fellows will also receive guaranteed acceptance in the Global Studies Program (dependent on global health conditions).
Work with a global team and gain mentors in the international business industry
​First-priority offers for any of our paid seasonal positions
Guaranteed acceptance into the Global Studies Program in Japan
Certificate of Completion
Letter of Recommendation
Fellowship Responsibilities
Fellows are expected to join remote meetings with their cohort and GPI US (approximately monthly). Past fellows have reported spending 5-10 hours per week on fellowship tasks.
Fall Info Session
Event Planning
Host a GPI US information session on or near your campus! The session will focus on our Global Studies Program and touch upon our domestic programs (if applicable).
Fellows will have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in organizing logistics, recruitment, and public speaking (if applicable)!
Winter Interviews
Human Resources
Go behind-the-scenes of recruitment processes and experience interviews from the interviewer's perspective.
Fellows will gain invaluable experience in interviews, as well as practice collaboration, critical thinking, and time management skills.
* This project is often cited by past fellows as the most valuable part of the program.
Spring Final Project
International Business
What if international exchange students came to your campus? Be creative and discover more about your school and community!
Fellows will have the opportunity to design a themed study-abroad experience and pitch their ideas to the cohort.
Recruitment for the 2025-2026 cohort will begin in Summer 2025.
Areas of Growth
Read more details about the College Campus Fellowship.
Contact info@gpius.net with any questions!
Recruitment for the 2025-2026 cohort will begin in Summer 2025.